To Dr Lourens Coetzee’s Valued Patients and Referring Practitioners,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Dr Lourens Coetzee will no longer be consulting at Envision Vanderbijlpark Ophthalmology practice, effective at the end of November 2023. This decision was not made lightly, and we want to assure you that it was a last resort after exploring all available options. Envision has been dear to our hearts, and we are deeply sorry to take this step.

What This Means for You

Referral Letters:

Ongoing Support: Even after the closure, you can still reach us for support and patient reports via phone at 016 931 0217 or by WhatsApp at 082 319 6727 . Dr Coetzee will continue to see the follow up patients already booked until November 2023. We will be contacting all patients that are already booked after November 2023 individually.

Consultations in Johannesburg or Pretoria: Dr. Lourens Coetzee, and Dr. Precious Phatudi—are also practicing At Sandton Eye Clinic. You may choose to continue your eye care journey with them at their Johannesburg location. Please click on the links below for the practice details.

For those who prefer to stay local, we can provide a referral letter to an ophthalmologist in the Vanderbijlpark area.

We understand that this change may bring about inconvenience and concerns, and for that, we apologize. Our commitment to providing high-quality eye care remains unwavering, and we hope to continue serving your ophthalmic needs in Johannesburg or Pretoria or by assisting you in finding alternative care.

For more information, please contact our support team via phone at 016 931 0217 or by WhatsApp at 082 319 6727. We are immensely grateful for the trust you have placed in us over the years and look forward to serving you in the future.


Dr. Thariq Bagus

For bookings at Envision Vanderbijlpark with Dr Bagus until November 2023 please contact our support team via phone at 016 931 0217 or by WhatsApp at 082 319 6727. For bookings after November 2023 please contact his rooms at Constantia Kloof for more information. Please click on the link below for the practice details.

Dr. Philip Phatudi

Please contact Dr Phatudi’s rooms at Grayston Eye in Sandton for more information. Please click on the links below for the practice details.