Myth: LASIK makes your night vision worse
Fact: Modern LASIK does not affect night vision and may even improve it.
PROWL-1 and PROWL-2 are two FDA-approved studies. Spectacle-free vision 3 months after LASIK showed that the presence of glare and halos was dramatically reduced as compared with their presence preoperatively with glasses. This effect was enhanced over further time. No patient in either group experienced significant ghosting after surgery as compared to beforehand.
88% of pilots who land on aircraft carriers at night found their night vision to be better after LASIK with no glasses than they did with their glasses before surgery in another study.
Some patients already have glare, starbursts and halo’s even before LASIK. If this does cause problems with night driving, you can keep anti-glare glasses in your car for when you drive at night. Most LASIK patients do however not need it.

Eydelman M, Hilmantel G, Tarver ME, et al. Symptoms and Satisfaction of Patients in the Patient-Reported Outcomes With Laser In Situ Keratomileusis (PROWL) Studies. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017;135(1):13–22. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2016.4587
Tanzer DJ, Brunstetter T, Zeber R, Hofmeister E, Kaupp S, Kelly N, Mirzaoff M, Sray W, Brown M, Schallhorn S. Laser in situ keratomileusis in United States Naval aviators. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2013 Jul;39(7):1047-58. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2013.01.046.

Facts & Myths: Glasses and contacts
Myth: Glasses and contacts are cheaper than LASIK.
Fact: Not taking into consideration that seeing without a visual aid is priceless, LASIK can actually save you money.

Facts & Myths: Professional Athletes
Myth: People with refractive errors cannot excel in sports.
Fact: Many professional athletes wear contact lenses or had LASIK.

Facts & Myths: Can you participate in sports after LASIK?
MYTH: You Cannot Participate in Sports After LASIK
FACT: Yes, You Can Participate in Sports After LASIK, however, water sports should be avoided for one month after LASIK surgery while your eyes heal.

Facts & Myths: Can the Laser used in LASIK burn your eyes?
MYTH: Some people believe that a laser used for LASIK can burn your eyes.
FACT: All laser eye surgeries, including LASIK, use “cold” lasers that will not burn the surface of the eye.

Facts & Myths: LASIK and Night vision
Myth: LASIK makes your night vision worse
Fact: Modern LASIK does not affect night vision and may even improve it.

Facts & Myths: LASIK and recovery time
Myth: Recovering from LASIK takes long.
Fact: Most patients see clearly within 24 hours after LASIK, others may take 2- 5 days to recover.